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The Lava Report

Oceanside Surf Contest!

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IMG 2430 2Okay this contest was filled with nothing but IMG 2416good stoke and positive vibes. Had a great time. Huge turnout and the Pro Contest was very impressive. Equally impressive was the 15-19 year olds just ripping it up surfing old school with a few new school moves thrown in. Taking photos were Jodi and Robert Little a friend I ran into while heading towards heat. He was in the finals heat last year against myself @ Waikekoa Surf Festival. And placed an impressive 3rd. Will post some of the good ones later. Great time. Great announcer. Great fans(Dave&Linda) (and the two sea gulls). Great bands. Great food, Great expo, etc. (and I happily placed 5th)!IMG 2448 2IMG 0536 2IMG 0410